Nathan Decker officiating. Van Baren; Advisor Prof. R. Cammenga, Break times are always a highlight with the host church ladies providing wonderful treats for the delegates and visitors, Committee II - Rev. Dalton, who has worked with several Methodist Churches in the disaffiliation process, is now working on a separation with an RCA Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. for less than $4.25/month. M. Wee enjoying a refreshing moment with his young son (held by his father) during yesterday's exam. Institutional trust continues to decline in surveys, but religious organizations still rank high. Marcus Wee will continue, with four parts to complete: knowledge of confessions (Prof. D. Kuiper), church history (Prof. R. Dykstra), church polity (Prof. B. Gritters), and practica (Rev. W Langerak, and Shelly VanderKolk. Synod both approved disbursements from and a budget for the Student Aid Fund. More departures are likely on the way. Believing missions to be one of the primary callings of the church, synod authorized the Domestic Mission Committee (DMC) to designate a new calling church for a home missionary from the West Michigan area. The matter was recommitted to the committee of pre-advice for reformulation. WebQuotations from the Reformed and ecumenical creeds, Church Order, and liturgical forms are taken from The Confessions and the Church Order of the Protestant Reformed Churches (Grandville, MI: Protestant Reformed Churches in America, 2005), unless otherwise noted. Information was presented at synod on the CCs work with the Confessing Protestant-Reformed Congregation (BERG) of Giessen, Germany, along with churches and believers in Namibia, South Africa, South Korea, and Mexico. It was founded on 24 May 2001, when several parishes withdraw from the Reformed Christian Church in Croatia. Commmittee 5 material was also to be dealt with. And at lunch it appears chef/griller Deane Wassink has some eager taste-testers. This email address is being protected from spambots. Confirmation of Marriage before the Church, Articles 29-52: Of the Ecclesiastical Assemblies, Articles 53-70: Of Doctrines, Sacraments, and Other Ceremonies, Articles 71-86: Of Censure and Ecclesiastical Admonition, Synod 2017 (Hudsonville PRC, MI) - June 13-21, 2017, Synod 2018 (Byron Center PRC, MI) - June 12-15, 2018, Synod 2021 (Georgetown PRC, Hudsonville MI) - June 8-11, 2021, Synod 2022 (Zion PRC, Jenison MI) - June 14-17, 2022, Synod 2020 (Trinity PRC, Hudsonville MI) - June 9-12, 2020, Synod 2019 (First PRC, Grand Rapids MI) - June 10-14, 2019. He has since completed his ministry in Hull, moved to West Michigan, and will be installed as PRC home missionary on Feb.5, 2023, Lord willing.He then plans to take some Synod approved disbursements made by the CC from the Pastor Training FundForeign Lands and the Foreign Student Assistance Fund as well as approved a budget of $78,000 for the CCs operating expenses in 2023. C.Spronk (1st clerk) and J. Engelsma (2nd clerk); back - Revs. Today synod will begin its official sessions. The PRC's assistant stated clerk, Mr. Dirk Westra, has made himself available with his digital resources for synod and her committees. As they do at the beginning of every meeting of synod, the delegate stood and gave assent to the Public Declaration of Agreement with the Forms of Unity, which was read by Rev. Last evening the pre-synodical service was held in the sanctuary of Zion PRC, the host of this year's PRC Synod. The Stated Clerk was instructed in his letter to the churches to include a notice of the urgent need for seminary students. Synod 2nd clerk, Rev. The oldest parish was founded at Tordinci in 1551. The RCA isnt the only Protestant denomination facing division over views on sexuality. J. Engelsma as 1st clerk; and Rev. These three proposals are scheduled to be debated on Saturday and require a simple majority of votes to passbut the measures could be radically amended before then, and other overtures could be adopted as well. 4) Three special church services within eight days can be taxing on both ministers and congregations.. Synod continued its work this morning with the oral examination of senior seminarian, Josiah Tan. It should have been Rev. Synod approved the work of the FMC with Hope PRC regarding their labors in Myanmar and with Georgetown PRC regarding their labors in India. Synod will reconvene on Friday morning at 8:00 AM. J. Herbert Nelson to step down as head of PC(USA), April 30, Easter 4A (Acts 2:42-47; Psalm 23; John 10:1-10). And it would be better to not pretend that so-called Reformed churches dont protect legalistic preachers because some of them do. C. Haak effective September 1, 2022. The morning session of Synod was spent with the oral examination of Marcus Wee. He preached an appropriate and convicting sermon on 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 under the theme The Priority of Love.. var addy_text29f3df05ca820e3cbfe3fb63fb8dd694 = 'Classical Committee';document.getElementById('cloak29f3df05ca820e3cbfe3fb63fb8dd694').innerHTML += ''+addy_text29f3df05ca820e3cbfe3fb63fb8dd694+'<\/a>'; C. Haak for his 43 years of faithful service in the ministry of the Word and Sacraments in the Protestant Reformed denomination. The synodical treasurer and stated clerk were reappointed to three-year terms. G. Eriks, R. Barnhill; Elders K. Bruinsma, J. Exiting churches can retain control of their churches and church property even if they go. The Kingdom Network, an alliance currently composed of five churches in Indiana and Illinois, officially left the RCA on September 9. N. Decker) clerks - thanks for your special service to the churches! Tan and his wife congratulated by Rev. Synod finished for the day at 5:00 PM, and will meet again tomorrow morning at 8:00 AM, the Lord willing. Good job on calling him out. As America as a whole has shifted, the RCA has experienced some similar shifts, said Komline. Steve Key (Loveland PRC) and Rev. May the Lord give wisdom to the delegates as they discuss and decide on these matters. Dennis Lee temporarily emeritus since, by this coming July, through no fault of his own, he will have been left without a fixed charge due to the disbanding of the congregation. addy862cfb19c345bfdb79a929249260313f = addy862cfb19c345bfdb79a929249260313f + 'prca' + '.' + 'org'; The 1st (Rev. Let us remember, this week, the words of verses 4-7 which describe the behavior of love, not only as we work with each other, but also as all of the work of synod comes before us: missions, seminary, contact committee, appeals, and the rest.". Synod approved the work of the CC with our contacts in Australia, Germany, and Namibia/South Africa, and received information regarding other contacts in South Korea and Mexico. I find it sad that this is a moment where there are some congregations that are saying, No, we cant live with you, so thats kind of a bummer.. photos above). The Lord willing, Sem. C. Spronk - busy at his post. Regarding students, we rejoice that synod approved admitting Mr. Bruce Feenstra to the seminary as a pre-licentiate student beginning in the fall semester 2022. Consistories of the Protestant Reformed Churches, Synod 2021 adopted an open letter to those who have recently left the PRCA calling them to repentance with the goal of biblical reconciliation. It is below. Synod approved the requests of four congregations for financial subsidy for 2022. Wee (CERC); Advisor Prof. B. Gritters, Committee IV at work: Revs. Second, Synod did not sustain the protest regarding the contention that the protests of five protestants was not fully considered by Synod 2021 on the one ground: Synod 2021 did adequately consider and answer all the protests of 2021. This too was elaborated upon with five points of explanation. Last year a group of Methodist bishops laid out a similar separation plan over many of the same disagreements. S. Key, Elder P. Smit. It also approved changes to the constitution of the Student Aid Committee which make clear the uses of the two main funds it oversees. We rejoice in the grace given to the brother and pray for him as he returns to Singapore in the next month to await God's will for him. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust., In Christs service, Rev. Synod then took time for group pictures before lunch. Part of his application to synod and its work included these words:"With regard to synod and its work, the application is this, that God will answer our prayer for His presence and the work of His Spirit in our deliberations, first, by giving to us as delegates the attitudes and behaviors of love, here described in 1 Corinthians 13. One of the delegates did some drone pictures of Georgetown PRC today. document.getElementById('cloakf358f888039c8ee7d40a715fa622885c').innerHTML = ''; We rejoice in this blessed provision of another candidate for the gospel ministry and pray that God will provide him a call that will lead to his ordination in the near future. Do you have more of a rule-based faith, or do you have a more grace-based faith?. A different individual brought a protest against that same decision of Synod 2020. Synod approved the recommendations made by the Catechism Book Committee regarding memory work schedules for the Juniors Bible History classes. The delegates and visitors (now a maximum of 60) are now meeting in the fellowship room of Georgetown PRC. He also writes: However, I believe that this Special Committee of Classis Eastmust also be held accountable for what they wrote and that it is Classis Easts responsibility to hold them accountable as they are a committee of Classis (Agenda p. 75). 2) His course of action should have been to protest the decision of Classis East to reject his overture, and then if not satisfied to appeal to Synod. Griswold says others may choose to join the Covenant Church Presbyterian Church in America. R.Kleyn (Pres.) var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; Their proposal would preserve the United Methodist Church while allowing traditional-minded congregations to form a new denomination. An ancient language offers my nonbinary students something English does not. Today, Rev. First on the agenda is the final sections (4) of oral examination of Sem. Synod approved a budget of $55,000 for 2023 for design, maintenance, and webmaster salary for the PRC website. The delegates and visitors are back meeting back in the fellowship room of the church. Synod did not sustain the protest. Synod also treated the protest of an individual who objected on procedural grounds to Classis Easts concurrence to depose this minister. Synod took a decision to approve the synodical examination of Mr. Wee and inform the CERC of Singapore that we judge that Mr. Wee is worthy to be declared eligible for a call for the ministry of the Word and sacraments. Much of the afternoon was spent treating the reports of both the Domestic and Foreign Mission Committees. N. Decker Second Clerk of Synod 202. N. Decker Second Clerk of Synod 2022. A picture of their report (along with other pictures) as adopted can be found under the news tab of our denominational website. With dozens of congregations already on their way out, the Reformed Church in America anticipates difficult decisions at its postponed General Synod this week. Let us remember to pray for the body in all its work, asking for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and faithfulness to the Word of the Head of the church, Jesus Christ. Synod approved the subsidy requests of six churches. Points of contention include questions over whether LGBTQ weddings can be held in Reformed churches, whether Reformed pastors can officiate LGBTQ weddings, and whether or not LGBTQ individuals can be ordained in the church. Synod also declared that Profs. Rodney Kleyn (First PRC, GR) and Rev. He reads Joshua 1:4-9. Joshua Engelsma Second Clerk of Synod 2021. City to City The Protestant Reformed Churches have a discipline problem. Give Light and the People Will Find Their Own Way, Excellence in Education Award Nominations. Matt Koerner and elder Wee Gim Theng (CERCS), Some of the support Sem. 9:37-28). R. Kleyn, Committee V: Elder M. Gritters, Rev. Richard and Mrs. Smit and their families for their faithful service in the cause of the mission work in the Philippines. The RCA isnt the only Protestant denomination facing division over views on sexuality. Look for more in the upcoming July Standard Bearer! R. Kleyn, informs Mr. Tan that synod has unanimously approved his synodical examination and will inform the Session of the CERC that we judge him worthy to be declared eligible for a call. While all RCA churches follow the Book of Church Order, they dont have to follow the General Synods recommendations. They believe their fighting is impeding their mission. Eriks in Practica. Synod appointed Southwest PRC as the host of Synod 2023 to convene Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 8:00 A.M. Zion PRC was thanked as the host church. New Age Thinking Lured Me into Danger. Below are a few more pictures from the seminary graduation last evening. We also are thankful for the many members of Zion PRC who were at work to facilitate this years meeting of Synod. Answer There are two main branches within the Reformed Church family tree in America: Dutch Reformed and German Reformed. Vernon Ibe from the Protestant Reformed Church in the Philippines and Elder Wee Gim Theng from the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church in Singapore. In the section regarding the Foreign Mission Committee, I referred to one of the missionaries as Rev. Here is the public report to the churches on today's work: Report of Day 5 Synod of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America June 15, 2021. When you sort Christians by denomination, mainline Protestants are continuing to show significant decline. The General Synod, the RCAs governing Rev. Prof. D. Kuiper examining Sem. Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore, Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Australia, Missions, Sister Churches, Christian Schools. Copyright 2021 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. We dont have a rush for the exits, said Dan Griswold, who leads the Holland classis of 19 RCA-affiliated churches. Synod had the privilege of listening to a report from Rev. Ryan Barnhill (Heritage PRC), Rev. Synod approved the work of the DMC in carrying out the mandate of Synod 2021 to expand greatly the use of technology, Internet, and radio to establish a concrete field of labor for a missionary.. Prof. R. Cammenga examines Sem. Rev. Synod also considered reformulated advice regarding a protest that objected to Synod 2020 giving instruction to an appellant regarding the form of his appeals after treating those appeals. Reformed Blogs/Christian Resources All weve ever wanted is for any LGBTQIA person to have a church that they can go to that will affirm and celebrate them., There seems to be this conflict between understanding the image of God and the affirmation of God in queer identities as being a distraction to mission in some way, and that gets really disappointing, Van Kooten Laughead continued. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Cory Griess read a letter of acknowledgment to the call he has received to serve in our seminary as Professor of Practical Theology and New Testament Studies (see photo below). Synod approved assessing each family $675 for 2022, a decrease of $75 from 2021. The churchs stance on sexuality had varied over the decades. After informing Marcus of this decision, the chairman read from 1 Corinthians 4:1, 2 and offered a word of encouragement to Marcus regarding pastors beings stewards of the mysteries God. Flat earthers Tan in knowledge of confessions. A.Brummel, R.Van Overloop (front); Elders N.Kleyn, D.Poortinga (back), Missionary to the Philippines D.Holstege addressed synod. The decisions of this body are published in the annual "Acts of Synod". The individuals main contention is that Synods decision contradicts Scripture and the confessions and brings Synod 2020 into contradiction with decisions of Synods 2018 and 2019. Ibe read Ephesians 4:1-16 and opened in prayer. Having served his initial four-year term, Prof. Kuiper was reappointed to another three-year term as professor of Church History and New Testament in our seminary. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; WebSinging. Its already a bloody mess, and until youre willing to get in there and make some choices, theres no way through. One of the last orders of business was voting for those who will serve on the denominational standing committees. This decision approved the concurrence of the Synodical deputies from the West with the decision of Classis East (January 13-15, 2021) to approve the request of Byron Center Consistory to proceed to the deposition of Mr. A. Lanning. Cammenga, Dykstra, and Gritters are capable to continue teaching in our seminary for another year, a decision demanded by the TSC Constitution on account of their being over 65 years old. Get the most recent headlines and stories from Christianity Today delivered to your inbox daily. A Brummel (Calvary PRC), W. Langerak (Trinity PRC), and J. Mahtani (Hope PRC-MI). yeutter; Jan 12, 2022; General discussions; Replies 7 Views 1K. Just as America now is very polarized, so is the RCA., Subscribe to CT The delegates will elect her officers and appoint a "Committee on Committees" to organize the work for the week. May the Lord bless the decisions of Synod and cause them to serve for the good of our churches. The oral examination of Marcus Wee was brought to a conclusion this morning. The comfortable accommodations, the good food, the warm hospitality, and the colorful posters made by the children were greatly appreciated! All rights reserved. Griess examining Sem. Decker opened with devotions by reading John 13:1-17 and leading in prayer. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. ', It feels like were finally coming to the end of a conversation in a way, said Cameron Van Kooten Laughead, executive director with Room For All, a nonprofit that works to advance the acceptance of LGBTQ people in the Reformed Church. In 2018, General Synod formed a team charged with discerning whether the RCA should stay together, restructure, or separate. Synod began the work of the day by rescinding a previous decision to declare a letter from a consistory not legally before it. Synod approved the work of the synodical deputies from Classis West in their concurrence with the decision of Classis East to proceed with the deposition of that minister according to Articles 79 and 80 of the Church Order. Gritters, Prof. D.Kuiper, Elder D.Terpstra (back), Committee 4 - Revs. He said none of the churches in the Holland classis have indicated they will leave the denomination, although he acknowledged that could always change. The church in Acts 2 will follow Jesus, for they know his voice. May the Lord soon open up a place of labor for Josiah in his kingdom.
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