I couldnt pick which is funnierthe Turbo Teams escalation or Robinsons. I dont think Chunkys the one who really has to figure out what he does. UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #1: (As character) Are you going to tell people I did that, that I housed Dylan's (ph) burger? I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of A Few Good Men. Tell the jury.". One of the internet's most talked about and meme'd about comedy shows has returned for a much anticipated second season this week. One day I hope to love something half as much as Tim Robinson loves hot-dog-related bits. So -- and -- and in the event the Court does look at property, of The scenes where Robinson violently yells HOLD THAT DOOR! to people who are so far away from him are just the cherry on top. So maybe you can do this justice. It's male. You cant buy the pants, but it looks like you can, and thats all one really needs, wouldnt you agree? And when the kid asks, you know, what her job is and Robinson just turns over and screams tables, it's just the best. So what makes the series so popular and so meme-able? Please enter a valid email and try again. The highlight of the sketch comes when he tries to leverage that modicum of sympathy to get a bulk order. And if you neglect to get the proper help from professionals, you risk missing out on important legal information. This requires preparation. Copyright 2021 NPR. Sherman, Whoopie cushions are not funnyI feel like we can all agree on this. President Biden targeted his own age, Trump's porn star payoff, his critics in the press, and others in a WHCD speech that began and ended on serious topics. Rodger Sherman. Call 1-800-788-0450 or or simply fill out our free quote form. It's a pattern that still works, and the show veers away from it just enough to keep it fresh throughout the second season. Tragically, it's been nearly a month since Netflix released the second season of Tim Robinson's I Think You Should Leave and, thus, the genius idea that is Calico Cut Pants. If they say "kind of", transcribe as kind of. Oh my god, Johnny Carson just fucking hit me, cries out one partygoer. You take it out on the tables. Brown pudding in their shoes to make them think theyre mighty sick? The time-traveling Ghost doesnt divulge how the Bonies came to lifeis this the origin story for The Bones Are Their Money?but the brief skit is worth it to hear Richardson rant, Hes 15 feet tall and he has bones the size of tree trunks!, Use your Christmas cheer and bash its frickin brains out, ya idiot!, and Crap dang it, this sucks! This isnt Richardsons best role in the series, but it gives me an excuse to say that if you havent watched real-life besties Richardson and Robinson (and other familiar faces from ITYSL) in the dearly departed Detroiters, you should do so immediately. Because it turns out he is like a service that helps out guys who are so horny that their stomachs hurt. In a transcript of the pre-trial conference hearing for Donyell Dewayne Holland, 41, who was indicted in March 2021 in the 2020 death of Randall Leslie, Dowd said while he did not want to delay . Lies and questions build and build before somebody needs to get embarrassed. All you know, right then, is that youve never seen anything quite like this guy, and youre already laughing, even if you dont exactly get why. It stars Paul Walter Hauser as a guy at a poker game. Coming right in the middle of season two, "Brian's Hat" is a startling culmination of all of I Think You Should Leave's greatest strengths. He has forever changed the way I view everyday methods of transportation. #2 Well played, sir. it made my eyes burn. This is exactly what I say every year trying to file taxes: When I watched Julia Butters in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood I knew shed be a star. Whats the joke, even? But he does have a slate of really great guest stars this season, including comedians like Patti Harrison and John Early. And Im rich. The sketch then spirals into an unexpectedly earnest flashback about Scotts wife supporting him when he gets cast as a mobster in a local theater production and all his lines keep getting stolen by an asshole named Jamie Taco (Jamie talks, like, super fast). Taking the oath. Ohhh yeah! UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #1: (As character) Let me take a video of you saying that you're going to kill the president. Because then it becomes clear that, yes, Robinson has figured out something about toxic masculinity, but his comedy isn't limited to that. But according to the owner of said dog, literally every audience member in attendance, and the Watermelon Man himself, the dog didnt bite Robinsonit humped his head. KURTZLEBEN: The - maybe the most meme'd moment from the first season was this screenshot of Robinson in a giant hot dog costume. In this two-parter, Robinson plays an office worker whose boss calls a meeting right before hes about to eat his hot dog lunch. Voila! Its a trailer for a fake movie starring the titular aging, horrifically violent detective with a long white beard. That no ones puking from the stench of the fart? After their boss leaves the conference room, members of this work team start surfing, dancing, spinning chairs to create whirlpools, and cracking open multiple cans of seltzer water to spray ocean mist. ), Theres a reason this one closes the first episode of the series, I think: In construction and emphasis, it feels something like I Think You Should Leaves mission statement, delivered loudly and unapologetically at a time when any normal person in your life would be seriously apologetic. Accepted Spellings As part of Clean Verbatim transcripts, spelling should adhere to the following rules: 2. Watch the full sketch of 'Brian's Hat' from Season 2, Episode 3 of 'I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson' streaming. Like, just when you think of everything you could buy on Earth. Certified court transcription is vital because the accuracy, or lack thereof, of a court transcript could impact the outcome of a case. The sketch hinges on a frustrated driver getting blocked while leaving a parking lot, and in an attempt to insult the other person (played by Robinson) by telling him he cant drive, the driver finds out that, well, he actually cant. UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #1: (As character) Oh, s***. Here, I Think You Should Leave innovatively weaponizes the visual language it so mundanely established in the opening moments, hijacking the narrative and formal conventions of the courtroom drama to give the sketch a wider canvas, as Brian's titular hat takes a beating in the present and in the flashbacks. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. GLEN WELDON, BYLINE: Hey, Danielle. And then on a shallow-focus shot of the prosecutor standing before the courtroom audience, the sketch plays its hand: the prosecutor reads the text, "Oh my God, did you see Brian's hat?" 11. WELDON: Well, no one does throttled rage and a really kind of performative woundedness better than Robinson does. Because here are these very funny queer comedians showing that really anyone could be a belligerent jerk. And it drives them nuts. Tim Robinson is unmatched in his ability to pinpoint everyday nuisances that most everyone experiences but is too embarrassed to talk about. Surrey, In a departure from his typical roles, Robinson plays the understated straight man here, ceding the part of over-the-top, socially unacceptable outcast to a fellow Saturday Night Live veteran, Will Forte. He shrieks about skeletons coming up from the ground to pull peoples hair (up, not out), with lines such as The worms are their money / the bones are their dollars, as well as my personal favorite, Theyve never seen so much food as this / Underground theres half as much food as this. Its utter nonsense, and its utterly delightful. WELDON: And that's the show in a nutshell - Robinson's, you know, growing frustration and rage while everyone around him is just kind of mildly confused. UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #1: (As character) It's no big deal. No matter, Richardson hosting failed competitions is a clearly rich vein for ITYSL. You floor it, plowing into the minivan, as you scream into the heavens: THIS IS THE MADDEST IVE EVER BEEN! Also, its Drivers Ed 101. Leave it at that, everybody move on. In other words: Its the perfect standard-bearer for a sketch show blissfully and brilliantly unlike any other. I mean, most of his characters, if you think about it, they're trying to get away with something - right? Sources who attended the $50 million defamation trial on Thursday tell us that Barlow the former deputy editor of the music bible NME and a New York Magazine contributor got into hot water with. WELDON: That's hard to predict, and this is hard to turn into a GIF, but the way Patti Harrison says filthy-uh (ph). As he exits a cordial coffee-shop job interview, Robinson pulls on a door that only opens outward, then tries to play off the slightly embarrassing mistake by insisting that he was there yesterday and that the door does both. At that point, he has to commit to the cover story by yanking the door off its hinges until its so splintered that it does go both ways. The king is wearing, at that moment, not . The focus shift on the reveal of the "Brian's hat" message is a perfect example, but the sketch is full of brilliant beats like this, using the formal language and cutting of the sketch to further accentuate the jokes. Something went wrong. Maybe if you had provided him with a more positive and healthier framework for how to exist in the game, he wouldnt be absolutely wrecking Andy Sambergs shit every time he comes out from behind the curtain and seeking your approval in the process, only to be met with louder and louder scorn: You know that scene in Mallrats where Stan Lee tells Brodie about creating Marvel characters that reflected my own heartbreak and my own regrets? You dont tape people, Robinson begs. This man bought a Supreme Court Justice. It makes his characters pathetic and really pitiable, and that makes them hilarious. The series has amassed a cult following thanks to the infectious lunacy of its humor and while both seasons are bursting at the seams with contenders for the series' best sketch, one stands out above the rest: the courtroom-set sketch titled "Brian's Hat.". Levy-Rubinett, I Think You Should Leave takes place in its own parallel universe, where the bones are their money and coffin flops abound. But Im not mad cause were all loads of beef, sitting on the side of a highway, getting our butts sucked by flies.. Its so strangely eloquent. He's the worst, but it's just the best. One of the joys of watching ITYSL is deciphering how it will twist a seemingly normal situation into something totally absurd. The authoritative record of NPRs programming is the audio record. Ian, Flo Lloyd-Hughes, and Musa Okwonga break down the match against Wolfsburg, Bryan and David also talk about their takeaways from the White House Correspondents Association dinner, Tate and J. Kyle Mann discuss Currys incredible 50-point performance against the Kings and introduce a new segment, Matt and Lucas discuss the looming WGA strike, National recruiting analyst Cooper Petagna breaks down the process for determining who the most impactful prospects will be, David and Kaz talk Roman Reigns, Cody Rhodes, CM Punk, and more, By submitting your email, you agree to our, A Ranking of Every Sketch in I Think You Should Leave, Grading Every Teams Performance in the 2023 NFL Draft. No one's ever going to see it, unless I hear the story of me housing Dylan's burger down at Graham's Loralei Lounge (ph). Herman. James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 2:51 P.M. EDT MS. JEAN-PIERRE: Good afternoon, everybody. UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #2: (As character) What? She naturally figures it all out. I THINK YOU SHOULD LEAVE. Theres such a thing as influence, and Biker Guy has it. Cliff Owen - CNP Heard said she was more upset that Depp was embarrassed by her "I was very much in love with this whole family now" . I cant speak from experience because I dont have children, but whether its true in the moment or not, it feels like a situation that has legitimately happened at one point to all parents. For a brief moment, we sympathize with someone whose only way of connecting with people is by talking about ghost excrement. Levy-Rubinett. When a late-night ghost-tour guide tells his guests that they can say whatever they want, Robinsons character immediately blurts out jizz. Then, to the groups chagrin, he proceeds to ask questions like Any of these fuckers ever fall out of the ceiling and just have like a big messy shit? AP. HE CAN! Things get even more awkward (and hilarious) when he starts breaking dishes with glee. But the turn comes at the very end, when his elderly mother picks him up and asks if hes made any new friends. Also? Robinson then goes into the details of his past life as a self-professed piece of shit: sporting slicked-back hair, rolling with his Dangerous Nights crew, and ordering sloppy steaks at Truffonis. Thats what takes this from bizarre banter and pitch-perfect recreations to absolute brilliance. To celebrate the upcoming return of "I Think You Should Leave" we watched all 53 sketches and ranked our top 12 below. And Harlan Crow owns half the inventory. Fax: 403-297-7034. You know what? Not that that stops the descent: [My wife] was a model around the world. You should have lied. Surrey, The most memorable part of Wilsons Toupees is when a gorilla emerges out of nowhere to snatch someones toupee. Absent a stipulation and protective order, testimony will automatically become part of the public record when the deposition transcript is lodged or filed with the court. With how many I Think You Should Leave sketches culminate in chaos and/or despair, theres something genuinely sweet about Scott going full Wife Guy at poker night, which also happens to be a sleepover party for middle-aged men. Or at least a demon who has a legion of pee-dribbling minions? Take, for example, this sketch, during which a business school professor has dinner with his former students. And boy, I can hardly wait to see you back on the court, kid. Robinson and Kanin's writing delights in taking the discomfort of nominal everyday occurrences and ratcheting up the tension to this absurdist, heightened degree. Its too much money. Its time to see how Season 2 stacks up to Season 1. While performing this feat of strength and stupidity, Robinson maintains eye contact and keeps up a plastered-on smile, even as his forehead vein throbs with the effort and drool slides down his chin. No. This is the comeuppance that all roast comics deserve: to be dragged out into the light and made to answer for themselves, and then be conned out of another Mars Cocktail just because. UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #1: (As character) I tried to get a video, but I couldn't flip the thing fast enough. Youre sitting in traffic and theres a lady in front of you with a minivan full of dirty, stinkin tables. When he reaches the door, he tries in vain to pull the door open, to which his interviewer responds with "looks like you push." It wasnt easy to donearly every sketch in the series deserves praise and has an argument for being the bestbut after much deliberation, here is a ranking of every sketch in I Think You Should Leave. Just look at this desperation, Honestly, Dan Vega? Maybe Freddy Krueger was somehow involved. UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #2: (As character) We're not going to say anything. Lawyers and everyone who works alongside them typically have a lot on their plates, no matter what . How Little Buff Boys stack up to Babies of the Year. Choking takes that approach to a hilarious end point when Robinsons character refuses to acknowledge that hes choking to death because his favorite musician-actor-designer, Caleb Went, is sitting at the table and he doesnt want to seem weirdwhich, as he speaks in a pained honk and gives a toast with veins bulging from his forehead, he obviously doesnt. September 27, 2016. McMackleberry 8 mo. "It should all be self-explanatory, members of the jury," he said. Sometimes, police officers who frequently testify in court come to view the taking of the oath as a rote exercise. The song used in the ad sounds exactly like the song Home Depot uses for its ads; its just wonderful. Q Good afternoon. You created Dan Vegas Mega Money Quiz; you brought Chunky into this game-show world. She sued the city after getting sewn into the pants of the Charlie Brown float at the Thanksgiving Day parade. KURTZLEBEN: Robinson has a knack for identifying awkward dynamics in your average social or work situation, then blowing them up to epic, absurd proportions. WELDON: Well, it's going to be difficult to describe, but the one I've watched the most has to be the one with Robinson playing a driver's ed instructor. Often ridiculous and absurd, Robinson has never met a joke he couldn't beat to death, which is part of this entire series' shtick, but he does find new, unexpected and funny ways to murder the . What makes "Brian's Hat" such a standout sketch for the series is the masterful way in which it blends the show's most innovative approaches in such a singular fashion. Fans know what I'm talking about. You know whats scarier than getting your ears pierced in the back of a tween accessory store? You got to walk everywhere. After 81-year-old comedian Ruben Rabasa. Cellino and Barnes. They're like, what's her job? Tim Robinsons character, the impersonators wrangler, comes breathlessly barging in: HE CAN! Its enough to make you cry. As we mentioned, a lot of people have been eagerly awaiting this season's release because Season 1 of "I Think You Should Leave" was such a hit. I don't want any questions about tables!I Think You Should Leave Season 2 is streaming now on Netflix.Subscribe: https://bit.ly/2Kncxw6About Netflix Is A Jok. It takes Robinson and Kanin's penchant for establishing genre-fare only to immediately undermine it, their love of foregrounding escalating anxieties and blends it all together in the name of an engagingly absurdist work. There are three things that many of Robinsons best characters struggle with: pent-up anger, venting said rage, and accepting responsibility for their misguided actions. This sketch expands upon what might happen if either party didnt just leave it at that. When the latter stopped, I was gasping for air and crying with laughter; the muscles in my face hurt. I Think You Should Leave deserves a big spread in AARP magazine. Are there any sketches from the season that you think are going to take over internet memes? court. You got to walk to the food store. It just doesnt have the specificity and knotty plotting of The Gift Receipt or the surrealism of Calico Cut Pants. What it does have is Tim Robinson being scolded by his boss for hiring a guy who looks like his coworker to take huge dumps he could then blame on said coworkera gag that, with all due respect, worked 150 times. It also has Robinson arguing that Jerry from Tom & Jerry probably sniffed womens panties (You werent with him 24/7 in the cartoon!) and interrupting his own scolding to complain about how a guy who lives too far away wants to buy his bike stand. Ranking the Characters From I Think You Should Leave, wanting to do good at something that just doesnt matter, Bidens Media Cheat Sheet, Gotcha Questions for Giannis, and Farewell to Jerry Springer. The prosecutor proceeds to read aloud from a list of text messages between the two defendants, which she claims will prove the illegality of their unloading of Qualstarr stock. Finally, the A Few Good Men script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Tom Cruise and Demi Moore movie. As we . 02:53 - Source: CNN. The final turn of genius here comes when the Laser Spine Specialists logo creeps back into the bottom-right corner of the screen, a subtle reminder that oh yeah, thats how this whole thing started. Dudes rockexcept for Jamie Taco, whose name Ill never forgetbut they should also say nicer things about their wives. And she's talking about Eddie Munster. (AAP) Judge Gamble today addressed the jury, who were not in the courtroom when he asked the woman to leave. The surprise reveals of Robinson in his costumeyelling Yeah, whoever did this just confess, we promise we wont be madand innocent bystander/series co-creator Zach Kanin in his hot-dog-adjacent attire are topped only by the sketchs signature line, Were all trying to find the guy who did this. In real life, the grifters are less likely to drive Wienermobiles, but their schemes are sometimes just as transparentand just as liable to work anyway. All right. The Writers Strike Deadline Is Here. Accuracy and availability may vary. This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Legally Blonde. Bae. Hope to hear from you soon.". What I didnt know is that the next time I saw her shed be pitching a mildly toxic doll who lies about pooping and huffing Macanudo cigars in a Season 2 sketch on I Think You Should Leave. After her boss gets mild chuckles with a Christmas joke, Tracy deploys hundreds of on-par, if not better jokes, only to find that the Christmas humor had already run dry. But through its endlessly motivated cutting and meticulous setup, the sketch carves out a space to deliver the series' best work. Prison Camps for Grannies: Breaking Down Episode 6 of Succession. They explode. Watching Strongs dissatisfied wife go up against Robinsons beta husband will never not be funny. Glen Weldon is one of the hosts of NPR's Pop Culture Happy Hour and recently reviewed the show's new season, and he joins us now to tell us all about it. After spending the better part of the last decade writing for iconic comedy series such as Saturday Night Live and Detroiters, writers Tim Robinson and Zach Kanin took their most ambitious swing yet with I Think You Should Leave; a surreal Netflix sketch comedy series that put Robinson in front of the camera. Now Im convinced its the weirdest thing this show has ever done. And then, on the second cut introducing us to the members of the focus group, about 10 seconds in, there he is: Bam. It's pure I Think You Should Leave logic all the way through, but it also solidifies that the show can do touching and happy sketches amid the embarrassing and devastating. Theres a hilariously infantile quality to the way Robinson reacts to his unfamiliar surroundings, like screaming when he accidentally hits the horn because it scared him. If youre looking for the perfect top to go in between your Calico Cut Pants and your Stanzo Fedora, head to Dan Flashes, a very aggressive store that sells expensive and hideous bowling shirts, priced based on how complicated the patterns are. You all buy space rockets, you bought Twitter. These flashbacks are color-graded a deeper hue of blue, another stylistic trope of traditional courtroom dramas that I Think You Should Leave is exploiting. (Answer: a lot. Robinson and the show have a deeply idiosyncratic comedy voice that stands out because he's lampooning something that is both really specific and also really of the moment, this culture of outrage that we find ourselves in now. You could not invent a story like it. Tell her about my wife, Odenkirk begs Robinson. Matt Dollinger, As far as ITYSL sketches revolving around bathroom humor go, Huge Dumps is probably the weakest. Tim Robinsons character, Russell, isnt in on the fun at first, until he literally flips the table to create a big wave! as only Tim Robinson can. By Jem Aswad. Transcript of Civil Rules Public Hearing (pdf) Phoenix, AZ - January 4, 2017. Accepted Slang Our system will automatically correct the following slang terms, transcribe them as spoken. As Brian gets more uncomfortable in the courtroom, the texting transcript piles on the fedora-related indignities. And its all underpinned by one undeniable axiom: Magicians do suck. You got her, Jane. If youd seen him before, youd remember it. RELATED: REVIEW: Sketch Comedy Legends The Kids in the Hall Make a Triumphant Return. Footnote: Please send in your funny courtroom exchanges and transcripts. While the ensuing chaos to Robinsons near-death experience is the sketchs selling point, the best sight gag might come before the fateful meetinglook how absurdly long the hot dog actually is: The second half of the hot dog saga sees that same character peddling a hyperspecific hot dog vacuumor HD Vac, which just looks like a regular vacuumin a commercial where hes railing against cancel culture. People should go read it. In conjunction with this line, the camera's focus sharply shifts from the prosecutor to Brian, a man sitting in the courtroom audience (played by Robinson) wearing what can only be described as a fedora with a flap on the back. By choosing I Accept, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. They may only partially raise their right hand and hold the fingers in a relaxed, cupped posture. A trademark of most Tim Robinson sketches is that where they start and where they end up often have nothing to do with each other. As a primer, audiences should know that I Think You Should Leave is not a typical comedy series by any stretch of the imagination. She was on posters. Siegel. No coffin, please!, Gulping down some pig dicks with these bags of meat., Slurping down fish piss with these wet chodes., Theyre mad because I won Best Hog at the hog-shit-snarfing contest. KURTZLEBEN: Right. The icing on the cake comes back in the courtroom, when Brian comes into focus, still wearing that fuckin hat: Its somehow as awful as advertised, a fedora with safari flaps in the back. Then I met her, can you believe it? Took a long time to build the foundation that I Think You Should Leave rests so serenely upon. Crucially, even as the editing cuts back and forth between the flashbacks of the text messages and the reactions of the defendants in the present, the prosecutor's voice reading the texts remains a constant. As the prosecutor begins to read the text messages before the full courtroom, audiences are treated to flashbacks of the defendants engaging in the insider trading their messages center on. Remember your promise. The tables are filthy and the driver in front of you is dragging ass. Wild, wild stuff. Dollinger, An awards ceremony honoring the great Herbie Hancockthe epitome of coolgoes horribly wrong when Tim Robinsons character, an awkward bespectacled presenter, trips on the stairs, falls off the stage, and proceeds to be furiously mauled by a service dog. michigan registration late fee, police chase palm desert today,
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