ed, edd n eddy big picture show transcript

]Lee: [unravelling Kevin] "So much for your ride, huh, tough guy? "Ed: "Trade ya, Eddy! It's gone! ]Edd: "NO! Looking up, he sees that he and his friends have in the night huddled together, and that Ed's butt is currently resting on his head. "May: [to Ed] "They were chasing you to beat you up! The door, Lumpy! [He rubs Eddy's armpit. "[Eddy looks down. Hasn't Eddy always steered you right?" There's a creaking and some noises outside. What are you doing here? "Eddy: [bats his eyes before leaping into the air] "Bro!" "[Rolf turns back to the chair. [He grabs his hat back and cleans it.] "Oh, pardon me. "[Eddy's feet pound the ground as he races to escape Kevin. ]Marie: "Pinocchio head." The water comes down, soaking everything in the vicinity. ]Eddy: "It was just a scam, Double D! [Ed falls out of the car.] "Eddy: "Uncle! Suddenly, Edd jumps up.] Kevin at first looks surprised but soon regains his confidence. "Edd: "AAH! "[Eddy gets thrown against the door to the trailer. "Splinter the Wonderwood:Captain Melonhead: [leaning towards his sidekick] "They did, didn't they?" No! Sarah has fallen off the pig. [ecstatic] "That's gotta be his house! I like you, girlfriend." He looks down, and his eyes bulge. Jonny then runs up carrying Plank. "Sarah: [annoyed as she walks towards the others] "Jeepers, Ed, you're still in one piece! When he clambers back on, he tries another position, but this one hurts his back.] Help me! ]Captain Melonhead: [crazy] "This is your craazziest plan ever, Plank! ]Kevin: "Lemme through! The boy looks exhausted, as though he's been up all night. ]Eddy: "Hey!" The Ed-boys now have desecrated the sack of sustenance! ]Captain Melonhead: "Plank! At this moment, they reach the end of the fence and fly out over a dumpster. Eddy quickly directs them upstairs. ]Eddy: "What's that stupid thing? "Eddy: "And away we go! Was that you? [weeping] "Why oh why didn't you listen to me? The cause of it was an unseen scam, which went horribly wrong and caused destruction and serious injuries to the kids. ]Edd: "Wait! Oh I love them to death I do! ], [Wilfred is following the trail. ]The Eds: "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! ]Nazz: "Kevin! THIS CAN'T BE!" Spotting his chair, Ed shakes the assorted items and the stuffing out of it into the bag and shoves the chair into the bag. [He examines it closely. "Eddy: [whispering] "Yeah, well, I didn't see you stop me! "Aaaandaction! "Stop! They pass by a mountain of trash. ", [A familiar pair of legs tramples down the sidewalk. ]Ed: "Your brother's got moo-moos, Eddy? Eddy lies there. "I'll go examine the factory's filing cabinets and see what I can find." Suddenly, it bursts open, scattering its contents all over the room. "Edd: "Stand clear, gentlemen! "[Ed arrives, and Eddy smiles evilly. Lee steals Jimmy away. ]Nazz: "Ow! Explore. Brain wave stuff! "Edd: [sweating] "Make no sudden movements. "Ed: [scared] "Too high guys! "Eddy: "Beats me. [Edd stares at the board in quiet contemplation. At this, Wilfred's eyes widen, and he charges. [He reaches solid ground. A bunch of clothes are on his bed, next to an empty suitcase. ]Edd: "May I borrow this, Ed?" "Eddy: [smug] "Forget to pay the brain bill? "umend?" Boulder. ]Rolf: "Leave some produce for Rolf!" Oh, the horror! [A long shot of the field shows that Wilfred is gone.] ]Captain Melonhead: "Whoa." ]Kevin: "HOLD IT! "Where ya hidin at, ya big lug? Eddy fumbles with the key. "Eddy: "I'll autograph your head with my foot! Bad! You're so neeve. [quieter] "Buses sure pack a wallop, huh, Plank? AAH! Trouble! ]Sarah: "Ew, it's a pig! ]Edd: "I think I'm gonna be sick! "Edd: "The collision was unavoidable, Eddy! Eddy looks around. "[As Edd cries, a handkerchief is held out to him. "Ed: [panicking] "Food for Ed! "Marie: "Looks like it's whats-his-face! I think I'm gonnaBLLAAAH!" "Nazz: "They're gonna wish they never messed with Nazz Van Bartonschmeer! What do we do? "Eddy: [unhappy] "Uncle? "Ed: "I think he flew over here, Eddy! Suddenly, we are able to see that the truck is in fact the Kanker sisters' wheelbarrow, the lights are flashlights mounted on it, and the horn is a clown horn. Hair extensions, exfoliating scrubs, spray tan, fingernails glued and polished, a pustule of"Rolf: "Shed tears no more, fussbucket Nazz-girl. "No one beats up our little love muffins! "Edd: [downhearted] "Eddy, I have my doubts your brother would offer us sanctuary. "Ed: [wearing a pair of gag glasses] "Looks gaggy to me, Eddy. "[Wilfred arrives in a break between stands. "[When the Kankers finish putting Eddy's brother inside, Marie reattaches the door, and shortly thereafter, a flurry of girlish giggling erupts. "Oh dear. ]Edd: [exiting the office] "Have you two forgotten why we're here?" "May: "Baby's mine! "OH, WHAT HAVE WE DONE?! We then see the ants again before getting a long shot of the destroyed area. Um, fellows! We're done for!" Wilfred! As it does this, Edd turns green, and Eddy gripped the wheel as he was thrown out the window. ]Kevin: "Cowards run and hide, right? [He joins in the attack. ]Lee: "We got chisled, girls! He sees the Eds pass and snarls. "See ya. "[Kevin rushes over and begins to strain against it. ]Edd: [on a new tack] "Perhaps we should talk about you and Ed's immature behavior. What's taking you? "An astronomical instrument used to" [He stops. The bike begins to be raised by the wheel. ", [The sun dawns brightly, beaming down on a picturesque field. "[Nazz, who has fallen into the file cabinet, rubs her head. ", [Sarah strains against bonds that tie her back. Bad!" [He grins proudly. Whoa. "Eddy: "Give it back, Ed! When they don't, he crosses the line. [Eddy closes the door. ]Kevin: "Time's up, Dorko! "[A crowd of flies settles above Ed's head. He sees Rolf searching for him. "[Plank, ripped and torn and almost destroyed, tumbles onto the windshield. "Ed: "Lucky me!" Prepare yourself for a merciless thrashing!" Check this" [He runs into Ed. [Ed gallops off, desperately searching for food. [A toy rat is running in circles. "Kevin: "Dusty dusty dusty? "Lee: "Get in line, girls. Suddenly, a loud snorting catches their attention. ", [Eddy is shoving things into his suitcase. [He walks over to Edd. They come to the front door and skid to a halt; something outside is hammering on it, trying to get in. I'll help you out." This rage train ain't stoppin till I thump those three twerps! He spins it rapidly, pulling Eddy inside. [sinister] "I bet he wants a date." "Eddy: [taking out his wallet] "Ta-da!" "Sarah: [muttering] "Oh for Pete's sake. The Eds reach Peach Creek Estates and blast through it, on the way wrecking some of the incomplete structures. Jonny enters a giant, melon-themed chamber. Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show: Directed by Danny Antonucci. "Ed and Marie: [shocked] "Double D! About; Blog; Projects; Help; Donate. "The Eds did something really bad! The Eds scream as they go through the woods and fly over a ravine into the junkyard. ]Ed: "Wiggle my toes, wiggle my toes. You got any bright ideas? Come, Wilfred! The transcript of Pooh's Adventures of Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show . The load in question is Nazz. [He gives up and begins to cry.] ", [Edd stands at the office door. "Edd: "A postcard? ]Kevin: "I just don't get her, man. ]Nazz: "Whoa! [He hugs his big brother tightly.] [She picks up Sarah and turns her forward again. Can you see cartoons in it?" ]Captain Melonhead: "No Eds here! "Kevin: [as the kids untie one another] "Eddy and his two stooges got away with their lives, man. [He shuts the gate.] "That didn't even hurt." [Edd turns to him.] Its doors open and we see our heroes, ready to venture into the world so they may find and defeat the villainous scumbags Ed, Edd, and Eddy. An illustration of a heart shape ; Contact; Jobs; Volunteer; People . Eddy sits up and adjusts the rearview mirror while Edd heaves himself up. "[Rolf slams into the dumpster. ]Eddy: "In your dreams! "Edd: "Ed! "[Nazz and Kevin stare at each other for a few seconds. Eddy, can I have a good night kiss? [He collapses to the dusty floor.] Suddenly, Wilfred rams him from behind. With Matt Hill, Sam Vincent, Tony Sampson, Keenan Christensen. "You got spunk. "Ed: "Do tell! The film served as the series finale of the show. ]Lee: [shoving Marie away] "Get off me! "If we're goin anywhere, I know a place so out of the way, it's practically invisible. "[Sarah and Jimmy look at each other, worry in their eyes. ]Eddy: "You catch that, Ed?" Pardon me! "[Eddy's Brother turns his tinted sunglasses towards the kids. "Eddy: "Talk about stupid." "Edd and Eddy: "Ed! [They slump to the ground. [reaching for Edd's shoulder] "My bro don't live"Edd: [slapping his hand away] "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME!!!" The bug flies off and hits a sunflower. "Don't forget about me!" [Sarah grabs the apple from Jimmy and dangles it in front of the pig. ]Edd: "Eddy! "Ed: "Oh, oh! [He kicks Eddy off.] "[Jonny is stuck in a hole in the road. "He's a big grown man." I do wanna add, I really don't think it retcons "Take this Ed and Shove It." Sure they're respected better at the end of Big Picture Show but I don't see that lasting a whoole lot. He was the royal cook for the king of Englishland. "Nazz: "What? "Where is everybody? Your brother is a whaler? Goodness gracious, when will this day of malfunction and mishap" [He realizes his friends haven't come out from under the board.] ", [The Eds are tromping through a grassy field. "Lee: "He's mine!" The door starts to buckle as something pounds on it. Kevin quickly removes his shirt and uses it to sponge off his soaked bike as an angry Nazz arrives. "Edd: "Oh shush!" [He and Ed follow Edd.] "Please?" As he works to get it loose, he hops around his room, destroying it. Another. "Ed: [running around] "Eddy's big bro! "May: "Uh-oh, looks like Dutch needs a diaper! [She attacks him. "Eddy: "Hey Sockhead, can you see my bro's place from up there? ]Lee: [leering] "Looks like we lucked out, girls. "Edd: [realizing they've gone off a cliff] "Stop!" "Edd: "It's commonly known as a sextant, Eddy" [Ed and Eddy burst into laughter. ]Lee: [menacing] "What did you say about our boyfriends? "Nazz, you're awesome, babe. Bunch of mascot-hating, lemon-sucking" [Ed takes his comic back. Edd then turns back to Eddy and resumes screaming at him. He is about to take a seat when the bus moves forward, sending him tumbling into a man's legs. Probably getting back at me. [He starts the climb. [He turns Ed in the right direction.] ]Eddy: "I'm really starting to hate slapstick." "Eddy: [slapping a mosquito] "Unbelievable! These bugs are like freaking me out! "[Ed and Eddy abruptly stop. ]Ed: [eyes rolled back in his skull] "If looks could kill, I'd be dead. [Marie hits her with a giant bag of soap. [He grabs Nazz in a hug.] My big bro would never let anything happen to me, and I'll tell you whatI'll put in a good word for you two. Cartoonand premiered on Cartoon Networkon November 8, 2009. C'mon! "Jimmy: "That's Rolf's piggie, Sarah!" Eddy scrambles into the drivers seat. "Timber, the Dark Shard:The Gourd: "There's no time left? "Eddy: "We did it, Double D! [He runs past her.] Seeing nobody, he enters. "Oh, look! ]Rolf: "Yes! One false move, and they will fall to their quite probable deaths. Aw, bro, what'd I do without you?" "Nazz: [handing him the label] "Hey Kev, check this out! Nazz is also missing her red bandana and is gagged with a blue one]Rolf: "Double D Ed-boy? Edd thinks about it. [She drops him by the washing machine.] "Good lord! "Ed: "C'mon, Eddy, have a heart! We coulda stopped there." "Kevin: "That little twerp wouldn't have the" [realizing something] "That's it! Interestingly, in Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show, she first seems to admire Eddy's brother, but she is the first to say "Eddy's brother is a real jerk" and change her perspective of him. Rolf will draw forth the"Nazz: "Wait up, Kev!" Boxes stuffed with stuff! "Eddy: "What happened to Sockhead? "[Ed bites down on the nut, and the shell cracks, revealing a key. ]Kevin: "He's lookin at you, Rolf. "Kevin: "Aw, don't sweat it, doll. ], [The door creaks open, and Eddy peeks in. "Sarah: [lifting Jimmy's chains] "Move it, Jimmy! The only rock for miles, and you had to hit it! ]Edd: "So much undone! "Edd: "Fireflies, Eddy. ]Eddy: "Hey, muscles! Duck Boat? "[Eddy knocks on the door. "Eddy: "Immature, youimmature! You're it! They hit it at full speed and go straight through it. Help! "[Edd walks through the swamp until he reaches a dock. [Eddy pulls himself out. "Ed: "Yowch! ]Kevin: "Sure could use another sandwich." "[Sarah and Jimmy tiptoe up to watch the show. [He tosses it away. ]Rolf: "WaitWilfred, no!" Eddy looks up and sees Ed eating the toast. ", [A bus pulls up to the curb. ], [Sarah and Jimmy skip past Eddy's house, carrying a basket. I'll be right back. 2D Visuals, 3D Effects: The cracked desert ground Rolf treks through as he's riding Wilfred. "Splinter the Wonderwood:Captain Melonhead: "Huh? ]Nazz: [scared] "Get it, Kevin!" Stream Ed, Edd n Eddy on HBO Max. "Marie: "Yes it is. She then winds up and throws it into the swamp. [He runs after Ed. IT'S ME! "Eddy: [moving his friend's heads back into place as he responds] "As if! Ed starts to chase him.] [He falls off as well.] They painstakingly yank Ed back into the still-moving car, although Rolf refuses to let go. ]Ed: "Oh, help me! ]Ed: "Eddy!" [Eddy's brother is twisting his leg into a spiral.] Lee screams in pain. Rolf, meanwhile, lets out a piercing whistle, and his pig gallops up. He then rushes into the bathroom and tears down the drywall to reveal his sponge collection. Who's after our boyfriends! [He throws the pipe away. ]Edd: "Gotcha! "[The two crash into a peach shed. "[Suddenly, the floor beneath her crumbles, and she falls. Suddenly, Eddy grabs it. "[Kevin turns around. The destination name changes from 160 Downtown to VENGEANCE. Say, let's go to my place! ]Kevin: "Hang on! ]Ed: [giving chase] "I will chomp you! Gimme it!" "Edd: "Yes, wellwhat's our estimated time of arrival to your brother's sanctuary, Eddy? ]Marie: [picking him up] "Aw, my man doesn't need to give me any flowers." "Eddy: "Yeah, right. [Eddy chuckles. Suddenly, Ed grabs him. "May: [grabbing Jimmy] "Babies don't do laundry! He then proceeds to descend down a bunch of stairs that look like melons. Do something! "[They break into raucous laughter as Edd, upstairs, fiddles with the files. When they come out, they are blanketed in dead flies. ]Rolf: "Hmm. "Breakfast for Ed, Eddy!" Sarah and Jimmy watch. "May: "Aw, he's squirming! "[Ed manages to shut the door, tearing it away from Kevin. ]Nazz: "Hey! The sow has ruptured! "Ed: [still giggling] "Aw, we're sorry, Double D. Jelly bean?" Where are you?! ]Kevin: "Back off, melon dude!" "Jimmy: "Okay. He takes another box out and opens it, revealing six eggs. EDDY!" It'll be worse than soap in your eye! "[Ed leaps on Eddy, pretending to be a crocodile. Kevin then rips the door open. [He spins Plank's chair around.] [He pushes Kevin in front. ]Nazz: [forgiving him] "Yeahsorry about that, dude. "Eddy: "You heard him, lumpy. ]Rolf: "Wilfred! "[The Kankers grab Rolf. Jonny! "Eddy: [looking at Ed's glasses] "Man, that joke's old. "[The path forks. Good one, Marie. "Eddy: "That's why we came all the wayUncle! Pain! "Eddy: [shocked] "What are they doing here? ]Edd: [angrily resetting the device] "Yes, well, it's all fun and games, but merrymaking nearly cost us this sextant! "Eddy: "What doesn't? ]Eddy: "Idiot." Lee? Wait for them to come back?" "[Kevin opens a drawer and finds a bunch of chattering teeth. An illustration of a heart shape ; Contact . "Edd: [upset] "He is? ]Edd: "Eddy? ]Rolf: "Hal-low. ], [The Eds are walking through a field of sunflowers. In this category are the full scripts for episodes of Ed, Edd n Eddy. "Ed: "I am the mighty Agamushin! Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show: Writers Edition! DON'T EVER! ]Nazz: "Kevin! ]Ed: "Knock knock, I am Ed!" Quick, my brother's room! Rolf lifts the pig and tears the roof on, and the faces of the Eds' enemies leer in. "[Nazz slams into Kevin, and both of them fall into the funnel, followed by the bike.

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ed, edd n eddy big picture show transcript